Notice that when asked if the prosecutor practiced with the girls they stated yes and also notice Sepic’s email admitting to spending much time off the record with these girls. sepic-coarsing-mckenzie
Notice a.k answered yes to Sepic telling her what to say on record.sepic-coarsed-a-k-pdffiller
Sep 19 | |||
Hi mr. Sepic im Mark Osborn Larry Hale’s stepson i was wondering if larry’s testing results would be enough to ask for a withdrawal sees how being Larry doesn’t actually know legal terms nor is he capable of being able to help his attorney in his defense and unable to make legal decisions. He still thinks no contest means not guilty i had to explain it to him what it meant. I had talked to chief sullivan and he told me that i should follow up with you concerning larrys forensic evaluation. So if i could know something i then would know which way to go with this
Mark Osborn
Sep 19 | |||
I’m really sorry Mark, I am convinced of your step father’s guilt.
Something that isn’t part of any record is I dealt with those children for a considerable amount of time. I’m not going to go to trial on a case like this just because there are statements in black and white in a police report. It is far too important. The time I spent before I authorized charges, in preparation for the preliminary exam and several times as the case progressed towards trial, interacting with them, discussing their situation and the facts of the sexual conduct in a number of different ways, for their ages at the time, they would not have been able to keep up a lie, especially when not in the presence of someone who may have been encouraging them to lie. In addition, their reactions about what happened were perfectly appropriate at the appropriate times. Therefore the report doesn’t help your argument with me at all.
Two things that are interesting about the report to me are: 1) Kitchen asks him to understand the lack of confidentiality of the interview and his report, and apparently Kitchen is satisfied with Larry understanding it. And 2) Larry is quoted as saying, “get the best deal you can.”
I know there are areas you highlighted that make the argument for you that he didn’t understand, but they don’t help me believe that.
I will not be doing anything for you on this.
I’m sorry for the loss of your step-father to prison. But given my belief in the case and my belief in being able to assess the children’s credibility, I am confident the system worked in this case.
Notice the prosecutor’s corruption as he staged this whole false allegation case against Larry knowing he had nothing to substantiate the allegation he was prosecuting. He had to work with the assailants on numerous occasions but yet still offered a plea under false pretenses. He is also Corrupt.
Working with the girls off the record is absolute illegal!!!!